Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photo Calendar Maker is a new application to create beautiful photo calendars for a year or month. Using the program, you can quickly create stylish, professional-looking calendars with photos. To begin, the user needs to select the format and design and add a photo. The calendar is ready! The program lets you create hundreds of calendar variants in many styles: classic or modern, standard or refined, business-like or romantic. The program comes with the pack of templates, created by professional designers.

Photo Calendar Maker allows to customize any element of the calendar, including title, fonts, background, holidays, month layout and more. You can create unique calendars in different formats – from pocket to wall calendars. Our photo calendar software is easy to learn and has a detailed user manual.

Photo Calendar Maker key features:

  • Ability to create professional-looking photo calendars for any year or month.
  • It enables to easily personalize your calendar with text at any location.
  • Dozens of beautiful photo calendar templates in many styles.
  • Customize national and religious holidays.
  • Ability to create your calendar in your language.
  • New! Ability to create a calendar with photo collage.




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